Wireless - status and future
Sandefjord, 2001-06-01. © Florina
We are just now experiencing the start of the wireless
revolution. Some wireless services are available today, but
many more will come.
Wireless services.
The best is still to come. We will list some examples of Wireless
Services that will be available in the future. Some of these services are available
already, but not widespread and not at a reasonable price.
Payment services:
- Pay parking fee. By calling a certain number when entering
the garage, and when leaving, the parking fee is invoiced on
your telephone bill.
- Pay for buying something from a beverage- or
snacks-machine. In stead of using coins, you call the number
on the machine; you get your Coca-Cola, and the amount will
appear on your next telephone bill.
- In theory, you could also use the GSM telephone to pay for
a phone call from a telephone box - but who want to do that?
Positioning services:
- Ask for the nearest restaurant. The mobile phone 'knows'
in which area it is, and will show available restaurants in
that area only.
- Ask for a mobile phones position on a web page. You can no
longer call your partner and tell you are stuck in traffic
if you are still in the office.
Messaging services:
- Messages from the office or from your pals can be
redirected to your phone automatically.
- Subscribe on information. When the Cisco stock falls below
USD 21, you can get a message to your phone automatically.
Different so called push services will be available.
- Games. If you like to play snake on your Nokia today, you
can use the infrared connection to play with someone else.
It will be possible to play games with people who are
far away.
- Chat services are available already but will be more
user-friendly and cheaper.
There are pilot projects going on at this very moment in
almost all of these areas. So the future is not so far away.
What kind of devices will be used?
Mobile Phones, Organizers, Watches, Glazes, build-in
computers in cars, perhaps even your refrigerator will be
connected to the Internet.
What are the success factors?
Success factors are first of all price, but also speed and
user-friendliness. On the new WAP services available over GPRS
or UMTS, the price for use must come down to what you pay for
Internet connection at home. The difference today is that GSM
traffic is 5 to 8 times more expensive then Internet traffic
from your home or office.
So this is the future. No coins, no wires. Your mobile phone
will be the credit card of the future. And, you can use your
mobile to call someone, too.
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